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What is Hydrol Solutions? is an organization of young people with an iconoclast attitude towards global issues in today's world. The world we live in is getting worse rather than better as an organic consequence of human recklessness, even when considered contemporary in its approach to natural resources. works for the most crucial point of this cycle, water conservation.
The fresh water we already have is becoming an increasingly difficult resource to obtain.
While this limitation ties our hands, humanity's debt to nature is growing indefinitely.
We will put a stop to this trend with scientific, social and intellectual projects, starting from the land we live on, first in Turkey, that is, nationally, and then in the world, that is, internationally, the largest piece of land and water shared by humanity.

As we set our priorities, we realized that the biggest part of this limitation was allocated to agriculture. We rolled up our sleeves with the necessity of carrying out a national development project in the field of intensive agriculture. Based on seven different regions, we prepared a hydrogel that would be suitable for every soil type, enabling it to hold 300 times more water than its potential.


But even though we are looking for solutions by using modern science as a tool, we know that we cannot expect every member of society to do so. To be clear, asking you to think about the Leibniz rule for the Riemann-Louville Fractional Derivative is tantamount to asking every individual building society to solve the wrong directional growth of water consumption on a scientific scale.

We live in a world where we all have to consume fresh water, even if we don't do Riemannian Mathematics.
No matter how different our ethnic belonging, the way we express ourselves and our beliefs, the elements that make us up are the same and water is the main one.

The broadest topic that we will cluster around when looking for solutions is water, which is as valuable as our life or which makes our life valuable.
This is precisely where we sought to raise mass awareness, meeting with representatives of all ages, genders and professions to draw attention to the fact that water is life and that it is flowing away.

Through seminars, competitions and all forms of human communication, we are getting closer and closer to our goal.As, we are experiencing the justified joy of changing the flow of our lives with our own hands with aunts and uncles who sow and reap more consciously and 100s of young people who take action instead of turning a deaf ear to us.

We know that we are not the first group to think this, but in every individual who thinks like us, continues on its way by being born once again every minute we leave in the past and watch the future.
We thank those who have walked and will walk with us on our journey, and we know that these are the first steps.

Water is life,
Water is slipping away.

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